CCSA’s Strategic Plan


All children have equitable access to affordable, high quality early care and education to lay the foundation for successful life outcomes.


CCSA leads efforts to strengthen accessible and affordable quality early care and education by providing supports for families, communities and the workforce.

Core Values

We act with integrity, trust and respect

• We approach our interactions with honesty, transparency and respect.
• We acknowledge the trust placed in us and work diligently to uphold that in all we do.
• We hold privacy and confidentiality as foundational to our operations.

We are service oriented and customer focused

• When connecting with others, we work diligently to best meet their needs.
• We implement policies and procedures to provide equitable and excellent service.

We are committed to excellence, equity and data

• We work to overcome the impact of multi-generational poverty and systemic racism.
• We engage in research and use the best data available (both internally and externally) to guide our decision making.
• In all we do, whether large or small, we commit to doing it to the best of our abilities.

We are committed to diversity and inclusion

• We embrace differences and are open to diverse perspectives.
• We acknowledge that people have different needs, perspectives and experiences.

We value flexibility and embrace change

• We think creatively, consider multiple perspectives and are open-minded as we meet the unique needs of our customers.
• We recognize change as a constant and welcome opportunities to try new approaches.
• We work to continually expand our knowledge and skills.

CCSA 2021-2023 Strategic Plan

Working on the local, state and national levels, CCSA envisions a future where all children have equitable access to affordable, high quality early care and education to lay the foundation for successful life outcomes. The strategic plan lays out the goals CCSA will accomplish within the organization and externally with our partners and colleagues. Coupled with strategies and specific action steps, CCSA will provide supports for families, communities and the workforce to strengthen the early care and education system.

Goals and Strategies

Build awareness of CCSA, our programs and the impact of our work.

• Implement strategies to tell the story of CCSA and highlight our work.
• Ensure consistent branding across all programs and evaluate re-branding.
• Increase our engagement on the national level.

Build capacity and support for the workforce to promote equitable, affordable access to quality early care and education for children and families.

• Provide the early childhood workforce with equitable access to programs and resources that improve education, compensation, and professionalism.
• Advocate for living wages on behalf of early childhood professionals.
• Improve quality through coaching, technical assistance and training.
• Sustain and increase the supply of quality child care in the region.
• Develop the North Carolina early childhood workforce registry.

Diversify funding sources to allow flexibility in the administration of services and programs and to support the sustainability of the organization.

• Create and execute a comprehensive development plan that maintains and grows government funding, and increases corporate, foundation and individual support.
• Build an internal culture of philanthropy.
• Market CCSA’s research services as a revenue source.

Develop the infrastructure to support a sustainable, high-functioning organization.

• Evaluate organizational structure to enhance communication, efficiency and collaboration. Make needed adjustments to reduce silos and redundancies and promote cost savings.
• Maximize opportunities for career advancement and growth.
• Continue to develop and operate as an employee-centric workplace.
• Embed diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in the organization’s culture.
• Ensure that CCSA’s facilities, equipment and technology provide the infrastructure necessary to operate as a high quality organization.