Shape NC

Shape NC: Healthy Starts for Young Children, an initiative of Smart Start and BCBSNC Foundation, funded by the Corporation for National and Community Services (CNCS), is a multi-year initiative created to increase the number of children starting kindergarten at a healthy weight and ready to learn.

Program Overview

CCSA is providing 15 child care centers in Durham County on-site coaching, professional development, and materials focused on helping young children develop healthy habits. In addition, two programs in Orange County served as educational model sites.

CCSA implemented Shape NC’s combination of three evidence based models (Go NAPSACC, Be Active Kids, and Preventing Obesity by Design) to improve center practices and children’s attitudes to whole grain and adding more fresh vegetables to increasing the amount of time for movement and physical activity each day.

Did you know?

Shape NC integrates multiple research-based models to provide an in-depth approach to childhood obesity prevention. It combines evidence-based programs to create a comprehensive approach in partnership with the following statewide programs: Be Active Kids®, Preventing Obesity by Design and the Nutrition and Physical Activity Self Assessment for Child Care (Go NAP SACC).

Children enrolled in child care may consume between 50% and 100% of their Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) while in care. Child care programs have a chance to provide the foundation for a healthy life, in terms of food consumption and levels of activity.

Parents often look to their child’s teachers for education and support. Teachers as well as parents need to have basic knowledge about nutritional foods, physical activity and a healthy lifestyle that support children’s healthy development and learning.

Support the Shape NC Project

To support the Shape NC project, please consider making a contribution. Your gift to Shape NC will fund workshops and events in Durham, NC will be matched 100% through a Social Innovation Fund Grant.

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