Professional Development
CCSA offers a variety of professional development opportunities which encompass not only CCSA’s workshops, but also workshops offered by other organizations in our local communities.
CCSA offers a variety of professional development opportunities which encompass not only CCSA’s workshops, but also workshops offered by other organizations in our local communities.
CCSA provides technical assistance and support to child care centers and family child care homes as they work to improve program practices and standards in an effort to increase or maintain higher star-ratings.
The Birth-to-Three Quality Initiative improves the quality and availability of care for children ages birth to three in North Carolina. The program team serves all 100 N.C. counties through specialists providing individualized coaching and support for teachers and administrators in birth-to-three classrooms.
Durham PreK improves the quality of preschool programs in Durham County by providing financial support and training opportunities for teachers while increasing eligibility and accessibility for families to enroll their children.
NC ECE Shared Resources is an easy-to-use, online platform created for child care program owners, administrators and classroom teachers to be a “one-stop-shop” that will save you time, money and help you continuously improve the quality of your services.